Whomever that beautiful person is in your life is, the classically beautiful Rose Elegance™ Premium Long Stem Red Roses bouquet is sure to win their hearts. Long-stem red roses are found in homes and brought on dates as a symbol of love and promises.
Here in Alhambra, CA, we want to help you send this symbol of love and new beginnings this new year. 1-800-Flowers Alhambra wants you to begin this new year taking chances and following through with those new year's resolutions.
If you want to tone down the romance feel and send a cheerful "thinking of you" bouquet, ask us about the different colored roses we have in stock. Pink represents gratitude. Orange represents passion. White is symbolic for spirituality, and yellow symbolizes friendship.
Whatever the message, long-stem roses smell great, look classy and bring a smile to the face of those who receive them. Please don’t go picking roses on your own. Roses are indeed beautiful, but they have thorns to protect them. We're pretty sure that doesn't fall under the category, "Beauty is pain."
People's love for roses aren't limited to Alhambra, CA. They are loved everywhere. Consider spreading the love by sending the Rose Elegance™ Premium Long Stem Red Roses to that special someone today! If you just want to incorporate roses into a bouquet, feel free to contact us for more information.